Friday, December 13, 2013


Well buckaroos, it's been a longer break than the cowgirl anticipated. After flying back home for the Thanksgiving holidays and getting re-acquainted with her cowgirl heritage, thoughts turned to burning off Thanksgiving calories with some nice winter paddling on the return.

However, a terrible cold came down. It started in the back of my throat on the flight back, and gradually worsened during the work week (made worse, no doubt, by travel to Boston for work). So, I've got rid of calories, but only because I've had no appetite for a week. I'm feeling better and hope to get that first real winter paddle in soon.

Somewhere in that, I made a new new acquaintance, half the duo of "2 Geeks, 3 Knots", now linked at the side of this here blog. Based out of the New Rochelle area, they paddle Long Island Sound and the farther reaches of the East River. At a party we schemed some long weekend paddling ideas, because hey, summer is right around the corner.

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